
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Lazy as F**k

The premise of our concept is that people around the world, if given a chance, would only want to be lazy. Laziness is an attribute that comes naturally to humans and even if you see them running around and being all active, the ultimate objective is always to be in a state of inertia. It can even be represented by wanting to return home` and sleep in a very comfortable environment after the end of the day. The difference between efficient and inefficient people is just how they place “Laziness”, before or after work, in life.

All other mammals challenged their limits and at some point of time combated with their laziness for survival while human beings kept their faith in the co-existence of laziness and survival, and did discoveries and inventions. In case of an emergency/ a disaster, most mammals would have just charged towards wherever for survival. On the other hand, in the same situation, humans thought of the most convenient way to commute, followed it and after success they made it a point to repeat the steps for similar incidences in the future so that they can be “lazier in the future”. Being “proactive and smart” are just terms used to conceal the real factor – Laziness. When needed resources, organisms mostly wandered and travelled while humans scratched, dug and mined the earth. Laziness is the reason behind evolution of humans.

Why are humans lazy? They are lazy because they are relatively weaker mammals. They don’t have the ability to contest with others on physical grounds. What made man superior and successful are the analytical, intellectual and creative abilities. This gives human beings an unparalleled confidence which is best reflected by their laziness. The reason you have an average life span of 60-70 years, unlike dogs (12 years), cats (20 years), tigers (25 years) and bear (40 years) is because when god dispatched your ass to the planet earth, he clearly meant to convey this; “Son! Eat, drink, think and hump but do not forget to chill the f**k out. Do not fight amongst yourself. You aren’t manufactured with this conviction. Even if you seem to have certain specifications from which you might leverage in physical encounters, there will be modifications made. Those nails and teeth might not be as sharp as they are. You are the best when together. There is a reason you accumulate fat around your waist. It is your reward for being human and lazy.” When you are lazy, food tastes, wine smells, music sounds, women look and sex happens better. You don’t discover gravity in laboratories. You need to be “lazy as f**k” to really contribute to the well being of the world.

If not lazy, you’ll only be seen fighting wars, wanting more than needed and disturbing the one status quo you shouldn’t fuck with – Global Peace. A lazy man is the purest form of human beings. He is in sync with the conviction with which he was sent to earth. If you are any other organism and being lazy, you might be hunted but if you are a human and still ain’t lazy, you’ll hunt too many.

One Response so far

  1. Anonymous says:

    What a way to present Procrastination.... Although if anything this article makes me not lazy. I also want to write something. :)

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