
Sunday, 3 June 2012

Bad Things Happen To Good People Too


A closer look at the statement may provide a greater insight into the manner in which we understand the works of the supreme. But before we start to analyse, let us take a look at an example.

An employee is fired, who later on starts his own company and the company is now worth a million dollars.

Now if we were to analyse the statement, something bad happened, but it lead to something good. So would the good ending be the same if the bad event of being fired had not happened? Well we can never be sure of the that, cause we never know where the other road leads to. But we surely know that something good happened on the road that we took.

This question does spark curiosity towards the process of taking a second look at the statement "good attracts good and bad attracts bad", well not always, Because sometimes bad has to happen so that
good can happen. Someone would fail in calculus and become a musician, someone will be thrown out of the house and become an entertainer and someone will go to jail for protecting the freedom of people and become a torch bearer.

There is another perspective to this story, a perspective where good leads to overall bad. For example providing power to someone, only to see him perform corrupt deeds or invent an object that provides luxury only to see that it creates a judgemental society,  which distinguishes between the haves and the have-nots.

Now if we come to the part of being judged by the supreme, if someone performed a bad deed in a story that led to something good, would he be judged on the basis of the deed or whether he fulfilled the role
that was given to him in the story? Or would the person who did good as per his knowledge and resulted in bad, would he be judged in the same way?

This is interesting, so if we assume the latter part of the question to be true then good and bad may not have different creators and good and bad would have to coexist to ensure balance in life's functioning. Maybe this is why good and happiness cannot be everlasting and be everywhere.

" All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players .", a statement by Shakespeare does sound very interesting now doesn't it!

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