
Sunday, 3 June 2012

It’s my f**king life!


“That’s not right” are the words that disappoint me the most. I get it from people who decide to differ from what I stand for. But then again it annoys them too because for them I am the one thinking “the other way”. 
This is the eternal truth of our lives. There will always be people around us, close to us and bloody unknown to us who would choose to think differently from us. Sometimes they are “right” and the other times they aren't. Is there a pattern here that can help us reach the “right”? Does it always mean “right” to be with the majority as it is more likely to succeed with the obvious cumulative confidence of the higher quantum of people? Or is it always possible to reach a progressive breakthrough by being “different”? What is “right” here? Is it defined by “the means” or “the ends”?

Let us assume that it is defined by “the end”. After all it is what happens in the end that matters. Then, what is this “end” that we are talking about? Is it the end of a phase, a cycle or a lifetime? If it is a phase or a cycle, how is it possible that the immediate phase or cycle to it can be mutually exclusive and independent of the predecessor? Since, it is not possible for following phases and cycles to be entirely contra distinctive of the previous ones, the elements of “means” don’t get lost. So if you say life is about winning it phase by phase, I contradict as I believe that if you are not in control of your “means” you aren’t really winning it anyway. If at all this “end” is a lifetime that we are talking about, and not phases and cycles in it, then let me tell you again, it isn’t the end of yours or my lifetime that will halt the continuum to land us at the end that we seek. “The means” will persevere to define results no matter what, which if aren’t chosen by us, will take us to the ambiguity and purposelessness. Hence, it isn’t really “end” that defines the “right”.

Do my “means” take me to the “right” and “the end” – The Right End? Are we reinventing the karma bullshit? Let us not. Here is how we will not make it as superficial as what the rest of the world has made it already. You can’t shop the end you pursue. You can’t hope for it to be always right/true. There is one thing that you have control over. – It’s your means.

The problem here is that you don’t quite have the desired environment or the premise you need for your means to function appropriately. You inherit the environment which is the product of an intense battle of opposite ideologies. For us who have only our means to ourselves, a contradicting environment can be hard to abide. No one is living in Utopia that they dream of. We don’t have control over anything till we grow up to be “mature” and “responsible”. There is too much defined and structured in “good”, “bad” and “ugly” in this world without really asking for our consent.

You don’t quite get a fair start. Sometimes it is too much to begin with that jeopardises your accomplishments by bringing a lot of attention to the higher launch pad you have had which doesn’t quite remain an “advantage” in the longer run. Your margin for error is minute and the appreciation of your achievements will always be lesser than admiration of your start. The other times you’d lag so far behind in a part of this society that will never see the screen that you do when you read this –Not by choice but by chance. Now if it begins to suffocate you with what you have read so far due to the extreme nature of my opinions, I am afraid you’d be disappointed to know that I haven’t come to the real point. Worse news – I am arriving, now.

Amidst all the undesired outcomes at the beginning of this life with as much as only your “means” left for you to play with, it still doesn’t go down well with people. They feel this great need to express their invaluable concern for an individual’s actions and it is absolutely necessary to play “devil’s advocates” when “the devils” and “the advocates” mean the same damn thing. It is right to be concerned about the failures of the people you care for. Your criticism can help them change the course of their actions and take the “right” path instead but what if “the mistakes” and “the wrongs” are the real “means” to a creation. What if someone has to burn their fingers to give light to the humanity? The great part about the invention of “fire” was that it is credited to an entire human race. No one person, however deep you dig, can be retrospectively felicitated for this great achievement. Good News: It most certainly was not just one person who did invent “Fire”.

We all have the potential to be creators, inventors and discoverers, in whatever magnitude it may be. All that is needed, for most who don’t turn out to be one of them, is “believe”. A “Believe” in their potential and discretion followed by ignorance to ensure you don’t abort a budding solution for global peace just because turning an atheist isn’t a good idea after all. There is one attribute that we don’t have but always mistake to possess at some level or the other – The ability to predict accurately. We are spectacular beings just because we have the ability to surprise, to be out of our dimensions and limitations and to prove the obvious wrong. Unfortunately, not all have the strength to fight against the obvious. So you can either try till you can demoralise a person and curb him from creating a masterpiece, which only he knows about and probably lacks the ability to comprehend and present in the way that would suffice with you, by criticising beyond tolerance or be brave enough to ignore the odds against occurrence of something that happens once in a million lifetimes. The probability here can be 0.001 and you wouldn’t look that stupid even after being wrong but the moment you’re proven wrong you will always know that you almost ruined “the marvellous”. My suggestions don’t tell me what to do. I just got one, like you and I know what to do with it as much as you do about this – It’s my fucking life.  

One of you!

One Response so far

  1. Bhaskar says:

    kaatilana... since wen were you able to write such stuffs... were hu high on some joint. this is epic psychological stuff dude.

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